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It is easy for me to be friendly and sociable to people, but expressing and sharing my faith has been difficult for me.  I am now found a way to go from ‘thinking about doing’ to ‘actually doing’. By always carrying some, I’m reminded that the Lord wants me to use them. I give crosses to needy people, like those asking for money on street corners. Sharing a few words of God’s love with them produces amazing and warming reactions. Small gestures like this have spurred me to use pocket crosses to open the door to share Jesus’ love with many folks in my life. Try it! – R.P.

Just tonight at a community wide prayer for the Dallas policemen victims, one of whom lived in our small community outside of Dallas, I gave out several more. One of my former students from long ago, told me she had carried hers in her purse throughout a European trip recently and clung to it throughout. On Sunday before and after our two services, I had a couple guys help me, and we handed out 570 crosses! They loved it! I’ve also had 3 that I know of who have also ordered crosses from you to hand out! I just love it when I know it made that kind of impression enough to get them involved as well! Thank you for supplying such a neat little thing I can hand out as a reminder of God’s continual love to us!! One of my former students from long ago, told me she had carried hers in her purse throughout a European trip recently and clung to it throughout. In my men’s group at our church here in Royse City, we do a Cross-check regularly whenever any of us encounter one another! – G.E.

You could Include crosses in Christmas cards and notes for various occasions—birthdays, graduation, marriage, illness and sympathy cards. Why not leave a cross with your gratuity after dining out, or mark your motel room Bible with a favorite verse and place a cross next to it. I included a cross with a graduation card to a young lady. She replied, “I put the cross in my wallet so I can see it every day!” V.R.